WOW!! Time flies Wyatt is now 6 months old! I can not believe how fast it has gone!! I will have to do another post after his 6 month appt. next week of his stats. Wyatt is learning a ton each day it is amazing how he is always doing something new. Here are a few things about Wyatt...
** We are a rolling machine. No more staying on a little blanket.
**His bottom two teeth have broke through..
** We love to jump in our jumping thing.
** Loves to read books.
** Is amazed with the anything on the walls.
**Loves to eat!! Only dislike so far is prunes who could blame him!!
** Loves to try and drink out of his sippy cups on his own.
** We are trying to sit up on our own.
**We love to be talked to and the center of attention.
**He hates his coat! Once it is on it's fine but getting to that point is the problem.
**He still loves to be tickled.
**He is always smiling but not when the camera is in front of him. It is distracting!!
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